Culinary Recipes

από τον Κοσμά Αναστασιάδη, Chef του Janis Restaurant στην Αμμουλιανή


  • ½ glass of olive oil
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 squid
  • 1 octopus tentacle
  • 6 shrimps
  • 6 mussels with their shells
  • 1 fresh tomato
  • ½ small cup of ouzo
  • 1 glass of wine
  • 1 glass juice of fresh tomato
  • 250gr pasta shells


Put oil in a deep frying pan. Sauté well the onion with the squid, after cutting in slices. Once they wilt, add the octopus, cut before into big pieces and boiled slightly. Add the shrimps and after they change colour, pour with ouzo and pour after again with wine. Add tomato and the juice of tomato with a glass of water. Allow to boil and add the pasta. Once they get softer, add the mussels. When mussels ‘shells open depending on the water that they have absorbed, if needed add more. Allow them boil and add basil.

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