Megali Panagia is popular for raising animals, which graze in the green fields nearby, close to the olive trees and to the local gardens. Dimitris Foukas – a young visionarybutcher – taking advantage ofthis heritage created a butcher shop, where the visitor / customer can find all kinds of local meat.
Dimitris’s specialty is the “Megali Panagia sausage”, which is fermented with pork, fat, and many citrus fruits. «Local sausages»says Dimitris «are our gastronomic heritage. They were stuffed and dried in the sun to be tasted on Sundays or during the official events or attraditional festivals. Today – when everything is plentiful, the local sausage is the meze of tsipouro, the daily delicacy, the main dish of Sunday, but also the traditional delicacy of our celebrations and events. “Keeping its flavor and reputation alive is our debt».
In Dimitris’ meat market you will find, among a variety of meatproducts, the famous «tsigaridia», ie.tiny chopped pork with fat, ready for frying. What else do you need?Strong local tsipouro.
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