Olympiada: One authentic and polymorphic vacations’ destination


Icons of real Greek hospitality and of amazing natural beauty recorded the cameras of nine Bulgarian journalists

A three days info trip with title “3 Days to Olympiada- so close, so familiar” organized and conducted by Mount Athos Area Organisation in cooperation with its members – from Olympiada, so as to highlight and promote to Bulgaria the beautiful destination and its tourism potential which offers to Bulgarians (and not only) visitors.

The visit, which took place on 16,17 & 18.09.13 aimed at obtaining life experiences from the participants’ side, who swimmed at the turquoise waters of the region (summer destination), collected mussels at its famous mussels plantations, fished with local captains, attended cooking and pastry lessons (gastronomic destination), walked on historical and botanical routes (walking tourism), visited all points of special interest, participated in Greek feasts, and tastes local specialties based on local products of organic production.



The full info 3 days trip literally charmed the press representatives, who recorded dozens of icons, captured all nature’s colours and collected all kinds of information given, so as to prepare the relative articles and tributes.

The visit was a continuance of those which took place two months ago from the TV crew of the famous gastronomic Bulgaria’s TV show entitled “Zvedzev’s Kitchen”, whose the first episodes will broadcast the next week! Both of visits of course are part of the promotional campaign of the Organisation to the Bulgarian market, which presents Olympiada as an authentic Greek and a nearbt vacations’ destination (distance 1 ½ hours from Santanski).


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