Magical icons from athonite and aristotelian regions “travel” to Shanghai


Bewitched by their power departed the Chinese journalists who visited for two days the third of Halkidiki

Six (6) press representatives, coming from the faraway Shanghai, visited for two days Athos and regions around the Aristotelian Mountain, so as to depict photo and tv images, and to record the potential of a tourism destination as well, which includes international uniquenesses in its geographical boundaries.

Mount Athos, the birth land of Aristotelis, the place of Xerxe’s Canal, the “Mahala” Ottoman baths of Mademochoria, were those points that attracted their attention, when their interest remained intense during their visit to the traditional settlement of Arnea and the island of Ammouliani, with the magnificent sandy beaches and the amazing food.

Considering that the visit took place during the framework of Mount Athos Area Gourmet 2013, the journalists were informed for all the activities of the institution and savoured lots of its menus, expressing intense interest for its events and the products of the thematic weekly chapter entitled “The Greek ancient cuisine”.

The visit took place on 8 & 9 June, being part and activity of the educational trip which was organized/ conducted the tourism agency Meli Tours in Central Macedonia, aiming to the area’s promotion in the market of Shanghai.


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